Chemical Peels go deeper than your daily skincare routine, giving your skin a refreshing makeover. Whether you’re looking to smooth fine lines, improve skin texture, or treat hyperpigmentation, there’s a chemical peel calling your name.
What Is a Chemical Peel?
Chemical peels are skin treatments used to address concerns on your face, neck, or hands. During the treatment, a board-certified medical professional applies a chemical solution to exfoliate your skin. This promotes increased cell turnover, revealing a brighter, smoother complexion.
The Different Types of Chemical Peels
Chemical peels are tailored to address specific skin concerns and categorized into three types: light, medium, and deep peels. Here’s a breakdown of the difference between them:
Light Peels
Also known as superficial peels, light chemical peels use mild acids such as alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) or beta hydroxy acid (BHA) to gently exfoliate the outermost layer of skin. Light peels require minimal downtime and are commonly used for minor skin concerns like dry skin patches, mild discoloration, and sun damage. Providers often choose light peels for their patients to enhance skin texture and brighten their skin complexion.
Medium Peels
Medium chemical peels go deeper into the skin than light peels and use a formulation of stronger acids. Medium peels are used to address moderate skin concerns such as diminishing fine lines and wrinkles, discoloration, and aging spots. This skin treatment requires some more downtime with redness and peeling for approximately a week.
Deep Peels
Deep chemical peels are the most intensive, utilizing phenol acid to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin to deliver dramatic and long-lasting results. These peels are specifically designed to address deep wrinkles, severe sun damage, and scars. Due to their strength, deep peels require pretreatment preparation and a longer recovery period. You can expect significant peeling and redness that may last from several days to a few weeks post-treatment.
Find Out Which Chemical Peel is Right for You
Ready to find the perfect peel for your skin? Whether you're looking for an effective solution to address minor concerns or a treatment with more drastic effects, chemical peels can help you achieve the radiant, smooth skin you desire. Schedule an appointment with a board-certified Skin Clique provider to assess your unique concerns and skin care goals. They will guide you in choosing the right chemical peel for you.